Christmas was fantastic! I could have honestly said this year I could have done with out the presents for myself. My kids made Christmas so complete. Christmas Eve we went sledding, and my kids tore it up. They wore Cam and I out. Tyson wanted to go to bed at 5 pm, he was so excited for Santa. Christmas morning Tyson came running in our bedroom at 4:00 am announcing Santa had come. That little sneak. Although I was awfully tempted to let him go open presents, we kept him in bed with us until 7:30. Christmas day we went to my parents, and the day after Christmas we were able to celebrate Christmas again at the Stewart's, BONUS! Here are some fun pics of the holiday festivities. My blogging friends I am starting to be more regular on my postings. Yipee.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
So I finally thought I had this blog thing figured out. Obviously if you have visited before things look different. I changed the background layout and somehow erased all of my picture journaling and some pics. Oh well, what more do you expect from me. I posted these Christmas pictures from last year because it was quite eventful. I love Christmas time, I love all the traditions and memories made. Last Christmas Eve we were driving home from the Vegas bowl and all came down with the "Family Flu". It was horrible! We did our best to keep Christmas rolling. As you can tell from Rileys crazy hair, things were a little bit crazy!. I LOVE CHRISTMAS.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Halloween at the Stewarts!
Halloween was so fun this year. Although it felt like a month long holiday and I was so done with their costumes by the time Halloween came around. The kids really got into it. Riley came back with full buckets, while Tysons bucket was only have full. Riley would grab huge handfuls of candy, and Tyson would stand there forever trying to pick out just the right one. That is pretty much true to their little personalities.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Grand Cayman
Well, Amy and I spent a week in Grand Cayman. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton and did nothing but selfish interests. We snorkeled like there was no tomorrow, swam, held, and kissed stingray, scuba dived, and even saw Hell itself. Truely. . .Hell, Grand Cayman.
The stingray pictures will be developed and added shortly. While scuba diving Amy and I did see an 8 foot nurse shark sleeping on the bottom of the reef about 10 feet from us.
We went with two couple friends in our neighborhood and were roudy, crazy, and wild until about 9pm every night when we crashed from over-eating.